Category Archives: Gift Ideas for the Seamstress

Scissors Holder Spool

After an enjoyable vacation to Vancouver, Canada, I returned home with Covid. Ugh! Thankfully I only felt poorly for 2 days. However, I did isolate for a few days afterwards. I certainly don’t want to “share” with anyone intentionally. During those days I chose to do something enjoyable and relaxing.

Embroidery is always enjoyable to me! I remembered seeing spools used as scissors holders on Pinterest and decided that would be a lovely project to work on. I knew that my mom had sent me a package with wooden spools several years prior to her passing. I quickly found them – just where I remembered saving them!!!

I sanded 2 of the spools and then had hubby put a couple coats of varnish on them. Note that the spool on the left was made by joining 2 different pieces of wood, so the 2 sides of it are different colors! I love this!!!

Next up was making up a simple pattern for the wrap and then coming up with a suitable embroidery design. The area is quite small, so the embroidery can be completed in a day if you’re stuck at home! LOL! The first wrap (pictured on the left) I included a flannel “batting”, which I later determined wasn’t necessary. I knew that I wanted a decorative trim along the outside edge. I chose to do a knotted buttonhole stitch and used #5 pearl cotton.

While I liked the end result, the pattern needed some refining. On the second wrap, I eliminated the flannel batting. I embroidered a different design. After all, who wants to do the same design over again when you don’t have to! I also chose to use a thinner pearl cotton and went with the #8 and this time did a Pekinese stitch along the outside edge. I am very pleased with the success of the second one, though the first one is lovely and very functional as well.

These larger wooden spools can be ordered from Amazon. My vintage spools have a slit in them where the thread began and ended, which you would have with a true vintage spool. The craft spools don’t have that, which might be preferable as a scissors holder. The hole in the spools will hold any embroidery scissors. I have at least 5 different scissors that I’ve tried and work well. The slightly larger embroidery scissors would require that the hold be drilled out to make it a little larger, which is an easy task for someone with minimal handyman skills.

I’m back to the world of the living, so I’m sure that I’ll be completing other sewing projects in the days to come!

Happy stitching!


Gifts For The Seamstress – Notions

This is the last in my series of Gifts For The Seamstress. The first was on pressing aides, the second was on scissors & rulers and this one focuses on the smaller necessary notions.

A seamstress always needs a variety of marking tools. A chalk wheel is an efficient way to mark lines on the fabric. The chalk comes in white or blue and refills of the chalk dust can be purchased when it runs out.

Of course, the traditional tailor’s chalk can also be used to mark with. It comes in a variety of colors. Both the chalk from the chalk wheel as well as the tailor’s chalk will wear off eventually as the fabric is being handled.

Other marking tools, which I tend to prefer, are the wash-out markers. I most frequently use the fine tip blue wash-out marker. I also use the air-erasable marker if I know that I will finish my project the same day. That marker tends to disappear within 24 hours, so speed is necessary. These can be purchased as a combination maker as well with each end being the different tip. If you are working with dark fabrics, a white marker is available.

Other marking tools include the Sew Line marker, Stadetler non-permanent lumocolor markers (I have only found these at art supply companies) as well as the traditional pencil markers.

Then there are the piping rulers. Darr makes a nice ruler, though it is short compared to others. Ten Sisters makes a longer one, which is preferred by most.

Washable Glue is an invaluable tool to have in the sewing room. I use this for so many different things – securing rickrack/piping/trim prior to sewing, etc. Sewline makes a nice glue pen which creates a nice, fine line of glue. Roxanne’s Glue Baste is a favorite of mine. It also creates a nice line or even dots of glue. Both Clover and Dritz make a washable glue stick.

Some less known tools include the Dritz Hem Gauge, which works fabulously for pressing up a hem on a garment, curtains, etc. Fray Check comes in handy for stopping ribbons or buttonhole ends from fraying. The Simflex Buttonhole Marker/Gauge is a MUST HAVE for all sewing rooms. It will accurately mark buttonholes on a blouse, dress, etc. The Hera Marker will aide greatly in pushing out sewn scallops. An Awl is also a very valuable tool, particularly for anyone that hand-embroiders, although it is helpful for guiding tricky sewing under the foot of the machine as well.

Any seamstress can use new sewing machine needles!!! If you aren’t sure of any other of the tools mentioned, you can’t go wrong with good needles!

I hope that these suggestions have been helpful! If you prefer to watch the YouTube video where you can see all of these different products, you can do that as well.

You should have plenty of ideas for gift-giving for the seamstress in your life now! Have fun shopping!!!


Disclosure: The recommended products contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting me when you shop! These are my opinions and are not representative of the companies that create these products. These are the products I use and have gotten great results with. I would never recommend poor quality products.

Gifts For The Seamstress – Scissors & Rulers!!!

The ultimate seamstress gift is a great pair of scissors. Gingher scissors are among my favorite and I have a nice collection of them – everything from the 8″ dressmaker shears to the 4″ designer embroidery scissors. The nice thing about the Gingher scissors is their customer service. I’ve had some of these scissors for many, many years, and have sent them back to Ginger regularly for service. Any Gingher scissors can be sent back to Gingher in Greensboro, NC along with a check for $15 and they will sharpen, oil & service them and they will be returned about a week later as good as new! (You can click on any of the links below to view the products mentioned.) Of course, the video presentation with explanations can be seen on YouTube!

An 8″ pair of dressmaker shears is the most frequently used scissors. These are also available as left hand scissors.

If cutting has become difficult due to weaker hands or constant use, the 8″ spring action shears are a great choice.

7″ scissors sit next to my sewing machine, though some prefer to use the nippers next to their machines. Both work well.

Pinking shears aren’t a necessity, but they do come in handy for using as a seam finish for seams inside a wool jacket or something similar when you don’t want to overcast.

The tiny snips are wonderful for hanging around your neck for traveling – they are readily accessible.

The 4″ kindergarten scissors are also great for travel or for keeping in your lap while working on a project. The blunt ends are a much better choice than the embroidery scissors as they won’t pick you. I also use these exclusively for trimming fabric from behind lace. The blunt ends work well because you don’t end up with a pointed scissors end inadvertently catching a hole of the lace and cutting it accidentally.

A particularly lovely gift of scissors would be one from one of the designer scissors series that Gingher comes out with from time to time. The green print set is called “Sara” and I have the 8″ dressmaker shears as well as the 4″ embroidery shears. I also have the 5″ “Tessa” scissors. The designer series come out as a limited edition collection from time to time.

The other scissors that I really like is the Dovo scissors. These scissors have teeny, tiny serrated blades that grip the fabric so that it doesn’t slide away. My favorite set is the set of 3 gold-plated embroidery scissors (far left) that my husband gave me. ❤️ These are generally available at specialty heirloom shops.

Along with scissors, rotary cutters and self-healing mats are a great addition to the sewing room. I use both scissors as well as rotary cutters, depending on the project and my mood at the time. These also come in a variety of sizes. The smaller mats work well for small projects and for travel while a larger mat is wonderful to use on top of a cutting table. Mine is 36″ x 72″.

Rulers and measuring tapes are a necessity for any seamstress. Having a basic measuring tape in the sewing room, and then a retractable tape to carry around in my purse is always best. Then rulers, which there are a plethora to choose from, are wonderful to have as well. Heavier rulers like the 6″ x 24″ size work well to use with the rotary cutters. A lighter weight 2″ x 18″ ruler with a grid is also a necessity for me. Quilters will use a wider variety of rulers than someone that sews clothing.

French curve rulers and seam allowance rulers (far right) are wonderful for anyone doing a lot of changes to patterns or someone delving into pattern drafting.

Magnetic pin cushions have to be one of the best inventions ever!!! I have several in my sewing room – one next to the sewing machine, one on my cutting table, one next to my iron, etc. I like the ones with the cover because they work so well for traveling – even from room to room. Of course, spilled pins are a thing of the past with these! I also use glass head pins and not the pins that come with the cushions. You can iron over a glass head pin, but ironing over a pin with a plastic head can melt the plastic and cause havoc with a project.

Unfortunately, seam rippers are a necessity in the sewing room for those mistakes that happen from time to time. The Clover one is a brand that has a nice shape and sharp cutter. A seam ripper with a magnifier works well for those that need a little help seeing the tiny stitches.

If buying sewing notions for the seamstress is totally out of your comfort zone, hand creams are always a welcome choice. Keeping the hands soft is imperative so that fragile fabrics won’t snag on hang nails or callouses. I like to use Camille Beckman’s Glycerine Therapy at night and then use the Nutrogena Hand Cream throughout the day, supplementing with Earth Theraputics Cuticle and Nail cream as needed.

I hope that this has provided you with plenty of gift ideas for the seamstress in your life. You will never go wrong purchasing a quality item that will be well loved and used!!!


Disclosure: The recommended products contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting me when you shop! These are my opinions and are not representative of the companies that create these products. These are the products I use and have gotten great results with. I would never recommend poor quality products.

Pressing Gifts For The Seamstress

Since Easter has come and gone, the next significant holiday (for me anyway!) is Mother’s Day. I thought I’d offer some ideas for Mother’s day gift giving for those that need some help in this department.

I know I’ve already done a blog post about pressing tools, but this post compliments my YouTube video on pressing gifts for the seamstress. So often friends/family don’t know what to get for a gift, saying that I’m difficult to buy for. You may have the same situation. Well, after years of accumulating wonderful notions & pressing aides, I thought I’d share some with my YouTube watchers and blog readers in case you don’t have some of these and think you’d want them. You can share this blog post or the YouTube video with them and let them know all the wonderful things available. You may not even realize that you “need” some of these!!! LOL!

I have shared my 3 pressing units – my Rowenta Steam Generator Iron, which I absolutely LOVE!!! If I could only have one of the 3, this would be it. Also my Singer Press, which works so well for pressing lengths of fabric but also is especially wonderful for applying iron-on interfacings and/or foam to tote bags, purses & travel bags. The 3rd is my Rowenta Steamer – this is great for quick touch up jobs so that you don’t look like you slept in your clothes!

Various other tools for pressing, such as all the wood tools (clapper, pointer/clapper, tailor board & seam stick) are a must for me to get a good press on difficult seams. Of course, I wouldn’t be without a ham or sleeve roll. Sometimes you just need that for the perfect press – especially on the roll collars, as shown in the video. I couldn’t do without the ham holder for collar pressing!

So, if you have someone that has difficulty finding just the right gift for you, these ideas should really help out and get you something that you’ll love using rather than some random gift that gets put away and never used. All different price points are covered, so there’s something for everyone! You can thank me later!!!

Links to products mentioned:
June Tailor Cut N Press

Pressing Ham

Sleeve Roll


Ham Holder

Point Press Clapper

Tailor Press

Rowenta Steamer

Rowenta Steam Generator Iron

Singer Press

Finger Guards

Press Cloth

Rajah Press Cloth

Sleeve Board

Wide Ironing Board

Stainless Lab Spatula

Quilter’s Bias Bars

Seam Stick

A few other tools that I forgot to mention but are also great to have:

Teflon Press Cloth

Clover Mini Iron

Dritz Hem Gauge

Disclosure: The recommended products contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting me when you shop! These are my opinions and are not representative of the companies that create these products. These are the products I use and have gotten great results with. I would never recommend poor quality products.